Monday, March 13, 2006

The proverbial beaver..

Wow, the last 3-4 weeks have really flown past in a hurry...I didn't have any time to comment any of these highlights:
  • WBC starting - baseball on TV, yay!
  • Baseball Tonight - back on NASN!
  • Chelsea's manager complaining about other teams playacting - oh the sweet irony...:D
  • Liverpool unceremoniously bumped out of the Champions League - when the top scorer in the club is a midfielder, Stevie G, and has scored more (17 goals) than the starting striker pair, Crouch and Morientes, has scored COMBINED in the season, then you're in for a tough time. No Olympiakos this time.
  • The Incredible Sulk finally publicly confirmed as a drug user - Game of Shadows excerpts were printed in this weeks Sports Illustrated. The book's out on March 27.
  • Spring Training starts for amateurs too! I was able to fit in two indoor sessions, but will get my first outdoor session this coming Sunday - can't wait!

I'll try to fit more in, but the next 3 weeks are very packed, so please bear with me.