Monday, October 29, 2007


After my recent burst, I guess the month long sleep deprivation and the emotions of the World Series put a brief moratorium on my posting, with not a single post during the entire WS!?!

Like the feeling I had after the Beckett win in game 5 of the ALCS, I think I had a strange sense of calm. Sure, there were question remaining whether Dice-K could regain his form, whether Schilling would last past 60 pitches, whether a long season would snuff the magic from Pap's lazerlike pitches. Somehow I wasn't worried. (And yes, I do realise it's a hell of a lot easier to write this now, the night after raising the trophy)

(Photo from Reuters)

BTW, I wonder who makes a killing on those swim (champagne) goggles...

I "knew" Beckett would be very, very difficult to beat, so in a 7 game series that means at least 2 wins, if not three, and despite previous showings in the autumn, I still had faith in Dice-K - and did he come through? YES!

Now comes the long winter of discontent. I have a feeling that the Hot Stove will not be so hot for the Red Sox. They seem to have most pieces in place for a continual assault on the championship for years to come....

Now to watch the horrible mess that is the 49ers...

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