Yes, the last few seasons haven't been fun from an 49er fan point of view, but I almost fear it's more than that. I can't quite put my finger on what has made me absorb baseball to the point that there is almost no room for football.

I still consider the slow motion replay of a deep football pass the purest form of poetry in motion in the world of sport. The build-up and quick rush of excitement when a rusher hits the hole right and seemingly slithers through 5 defenders. The power surge when the unblocked blitzing linebacker or defensive end comes free and blindsides the QB, but also the excitement of watching Mike Vick evade four defensive players in the backfield and turn a guaranteed sack into a 20 yard gain.
Despite all this, I can't seem to get worked up for a football game. Instead being glued to the screen, I'll surf in and watch 5-10 minutes, and then continue my channel surfing....
Coach Nolan, please make my Niners at least an 8-8 team, so I don't have to wear a paper bag over my head.
On another note, I found this cool thing through the great Cursed to First blog:
Go here to make your own word cloud.
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