Quick post with the quote of the day from the always funny Kristen's blog:
The Stones no longer cheat death. They now openly mock it and refer to it as "their bitch."
Also, although I know the story lines have more holes in it than O.J's alibi, some elements are fantastically implausible and it's aired on satan's network - a.k.a. Fox, Prison Break is a very entertaining 42 minutes of television. UK viewers can catch this gem on Monday evenings on Five.
The resident Hollywood baddie Swede, Peter Stormare, co-stars as the mob-boss in the 'Pen', and although I love Peter's acting chops, his "Italian mob dialect" could do with some fine tuning.
Despite that, it might even tie me over until the 3rd series of Entourage starts in June. In the UK, ITV have bought the rights to series 1 and 2 and rumour has it they will air it on ITV3.
For those who haven't seen Entourage, this is the HBO comedy show based on Mark 'Funky Bunch' Wahlberg's experiences when trying to break into Hollywood. Adrian Grenier stars as Vincent Chase, up and coming movie star (competing with the likes of Colin Farrell), his half-brother Johnny 'Drama' Chase (played brilliantly by Kevin Dillon), and Eric and Turtle, two of Vincent's friend from his childhood in Queens.
However, the shining star of the show is Ari Gold - Vincent's high-powered agent, played
supremely by Jeremy Piven.
The man is a quote machine, probably one of the best in the industry to deliver the slightly manic 30+ word sentences perfectly. He shone in Old School, Very Bad Things, PCU, Grosse Point Blank and Serendipity, which admittedly was quite a sappy movie, but had John Cusack, Kate Beckinsale, and a couple of fantastic quotes from Piven, including:
Pimple-faced college drop outs who have made unhealthy sums of money forming internet companies that create no concrete products, provide no viable services, and still manage to generate profits for all of its lazy day-trading son-of-a bitch shareholders.
You know Piven's up to his usual high standards when in the first Entourage episode, while driving and on the phone to Eric, stops talking on the phone temporarily and screams out the side window:
Is that the way they drive in Tiananmen Square, bitch?
Instant classic.
3rd series reportedly starts on June 20th on HBO or a torrent near you.