Thursday, March 26, 2009

And over to Todd...

I recently joined a sportsbloggers group on LinkedIn and found this gem today. This is the kind of writing I aspire to produce.....still working on it. As many things in the post ring true for me in several levels, I wanted to share this...

Todd Civin writes:

It was the night of my first race. The Derry five miler. The most I'd ever run at work is 45 phone poles, or about three miles. "What's an extra two?" I thought. That was until I passed the three-mile mark.

Read his full post here.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Thank you Curt

For 2004 alone we should be grateful, but there are so many more things worth mentioning...some other time.

Thank you again #38.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Nice week

After a solid purge (and getting a ladder to the storage space in the loft), most of my belongings are now more or less arranged in a somewhat orderly fashion in my room.

Which is good.

Liverpool also beat Real Madrid 4-1, ManUtd 4-0 and Aston Villa 5-0.

Which is also good. (Which is an understatement!)

London also displayed itself to the fullest last week with glorious sun most of the week and mid teens temperature. My relatively short relocation has opened up new venues and my recent run through Richmond Park passing a herd of deer completely oblivious to people taking pictures and running past them. (Although the picture below was not taken by me...sadly)

Truly an oasis in the midst of metropolitan hustle. I was (relatively easily) convinced to sign up for a half marathon later in the year, so my training has now started in earnest. Which should no doubt help me in many other ways, including getting from 1st to 2nd base a fair bit faster.

Sometimes life is good, despite its challenges.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Materialistic madness

What you sow you shall reap. What goes in must come out. Etc. Etc.

So how come I'm so bloody surprised about the amount of stuff I have? How can I be shocked that my belongings (sans furniture) required almost 30 moving boxes? Which I now have to try to fit into a 100 sq ft room....

Not. Going. To. Happen.

I'm sitting here, trying to see the actual floor in between the masses of just....well....stuff.

So the next weeks will be spent weeding and sorting and filtering. Not used in the last year? Gone.

Things to do:

  1. Hang up pictures. (Might seem like a strange priority, but you'd be surprised how much space pictures take on the floor. )
  2. Sort and put away clothes. (Note: Try to avoid having a non-functioning washing machine for 2 weeks before moving house. Result is all your clothes in big blue IKEA bags.)
  3. Pack up one more box of books and put into storage. (Surprising stat no. 47: Books take up space. And when you've had 10+ years in a large house, with plenty of bookshelves, restricting your large collection to 1 bookcabinet is not an easy task. )
  4. Sort out parking permit.
  5. Try to fit everything into the kitchen cabinets. (Clearly some weeding out needed here too.)
  6. Go for a run. (This will actually be item no.1. October might seem far away, but so is 13 miles through London on foot. In 2 hours hopefully. Running programme starts in earnest today.)
Thank god I've got nothing to do then. At least I've got just about 3 weeks until the season starts in glorious HD.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy

Or should the title of this post be "What Goes Around Comes Around"? Or perhaps "The wheels on the Karma Bus goes round and round".

Imagine the sorrow and sadness I felt after reading that even the Dallas Cowboys - the mecca that is the gathering of the maladjusted and the miscontent - have cut overall nice guy Terrell Owens.

So what's that T.O? 17 teams that have thrown your sorry ass out on the street? I cannot even imagine how you can ever have survived playing with such clearly inferior quarterbacks such as Steve Young, Jeff Garcia, Donovan McNabb and Tony Romo. Poor you...

Don't let the door slam you on the way out.