Ah, January. Baseball is about as quiet as it can get, but possibly the calm before the storm. European football is mired in the post christmas cup/league fixture congestion. NFL is hyping the Super Bowl until the end of time ("Would you believe that Eli's season would still be going on when Peyton was playing golf, etc..."). Despite how much I'd rather it wouldn't happen, the Pats will win on Sunday and become the first 19-0 team in history. :(
As for the Boston team I actually like, the Santana trade is still going through the many permutations possible, but it seems as the Twins might have overestimated the market.
With the Yankees and Red Sox unwilling to hand over the future of the respective teams in Phil Hughes for the Yanks and Lester and Ellsbury of the Red Sox (in the Red Sox case one, but not both as the Twins wanted), the Twins seem to have painted themselves in a corner.
The Mets, with a lot less talent in the minors than the AL teams, clearly realises that they are the only ones interested in the Santana dance, while the Red Sox and the Yankees seem happy as long as the other team fail to land the mercurial lefty. There's an interesting thread on Santana on the Yanksfan vs. Sox Fan site
Also, for the Red Sox, there are some debate as to the possible efficiency of Santana at Fenway. Lefthanded flyball pitchers have rarely had success at Fenway, Santana included, although he's only played in two games there:
IP 15.2
ERA: 6.82
BA: .328
SLG: .469
OPS: .856
(And to put that in perspective, his stats against Boston overall:)
IP: 55.2
ERA: 3.40
BA: .250
SLG: .373
OPS: .673
Now, does that mean I would rather not have Santana at Fenway? Of course I would, but Lester and Ellsbury would be too much for my stomach. Lester has the enormous feel-good story of the return from cancer, and Ellsbury was simply a machine in 2007 call-ups. A rookie batting .458 in the second spot in the World Series? Ice in veins, people!
I personally think that another year of Beckett (20), Dice-K (18), Schill (15), Wakefield (15) and Lester (12) is as solid a rotation as you’ll find in the Majors. (My early spring prediction of wins in brackets – I’m sure it will be revised). Of course age and injuries are a clear issue for Wakefield and Schilling, but we also have no-hitting sensation Buchholz waiting in the wings for a spot in the rotation, and Snyder will also be able to fill holes.
As for the fielding side, the only (and fundamentally obvious) change from last years starting line-up will be the Red Sox CF for the next 5-10 years in own product Ellsbury. The other seven, Varitek, Youkilis, Pedroia, Lugo, Lowell, Ramirez and Drew will be the same, and hopefully Lugo and Drew can build on a nice 2007 finish as opposed to the torrid time they had offensively for the major part of the season. Of course we might get a look in from top prospect SS Jed Lowrie, possible heir apparent to Lugo, but with a lot more oomph at the plate.(.298 BA/ .393 OBP / .503 SLG in 497 AB in AA and AAA in 2007).
Karma Bus? Sadly, no....
As for other sports news, there is no getting away from the Patriots quest for perfection. Sadly, it couldn’t have happened to a worse guy than Belichick. Whilst he’s clearly a superb coach, he’s clearly a below average human being. Whilst I agree with many of Gene’s conclusions, the one I cannot get past is how the Patriots is a .500 team at best without Brady. As much as I loathe the Pats (thanks to Belichick and another Boston based low-life), I love to watch Brady spread the ball around. He’s like my first football hero, Joe Montana, but with more zip on the arm. For once I think I’ll skip the Super Bowl, as I really have no interest in neither the Giants nor the Pats. Now, if Brett had made it I would have been on the edge of my seat all evening, but alas…
Rednecks for Reds?
Finally, although there apparently is now a truce in effect between Benitez and the American owners of Liverpool, the Reds are clearly performing below both expectations and capabilities. Yes, there is a clear need to keep players fresh for the run-in during April, but if you’re already out of contention then, what does it matter??
Play Reina, Finnan, Hyypia (Agger when healthy), Carra, Arbeloa/Riise, Benayoun, Gerrard, Mascherano, Kewell, Torres and Kuyt/Crouch and ride that puppy as long as it will hold.
Subs are just that – subs. Bring them on from the bench, but for god’s sake – we’re 12 points behind after 22 games!!!
At least I can enjoy our own Spring Training this week….got a new glove to break in!
Finally, best right now is John Mayer's new single "Say", from "The Bucket List" official soundtrack. Looking forward to hearing it live in June in Hyde Park!Until next time, N